Secret Technique to Make Money with Google Adsense beginners guide part1

Make money with google AdSense and friend AdSense experts Back

Actually had quite a long time I've had a google adsense account, but only to the extent that a hosted account can only be used on the websites of Google's services.
Until yesterday I was finally able to get the full version of Google Adsense account for the first time partner.

Accepted Google AdSense Secrets
Do not easily believe  or Before finally accepted I have repeatedly applied for registration which led to outright rejection. Was desperate, but thanks to the patience to try constantly finally I accepted as valid as Google Adsense publisher.

I convinced my friend to know that his name was Google Adsense it is not easy, at least for a newbie like me this. Lots of requirements into account that we need to obey. It takes patience, time, capital, effort and hard work in order to be accepted.
Well for my friend who may also have been trying to register google adsense and rejected, was already hard as possible and still be rejected, no harm to try Google Adsense Secrets Received With Easy Based on my own experience.

If my friend had previously signed up Google Adsense I'm sure my friend had never read the tips sign up for Google Adsense either in the forums or on blogs. Tips that will give me actually also not much different with tips that have never been there, but arguably a little easier.
There are some experiments that I do myself to find a way to be accepted Google Adsense without having to spend a lot of sacrifice, because I actually have lazy if most terms work and work.

Here are a few things that might make my way Google Adsense is arguably easier:

Get  much of content

On the blog that I list there are only 5 pieces of posts
Creating a new google account if you have already been rejected?
I use google account is an account that has previously been rejected many times.

Have a lot of visitors

my blog visitors who register only about 50 / day
Accepted Google Adsense Secrets
Well now it's time to listen to tips and secrets hidden easily sign up for Google AdSense. Below I sort by the most important thing.

Read the AdSense Program Policies

The first thing that is most important to my friend to do is to read and understand the Google AdSense program policies. It is not only useful when we register it, but also when we already have the google adsense account read AdSense policies at the help forum.

 Creating hight Quality Content

Problems content is most often the reason why we rejected the Google AdSense blog. I actually like what is quality content that is unique, useful, long, or how? Perhaps many of my friend who was already making quality content but nonetheless rejected Adsense.

Well here I want a little give tips on creating content that is fitting to sign up for Google AdSense:

Completeness of content to google

Things to note problems when registering google adsense content actually not about the niche, uniqueness, benefits, or the number of characters. 5 posts on the blog that I list 2 of which are the result of the rewrite, very short and did not pass Copyscape. Things to note in my opinion is the completeness of the content lapter point here is like the pictures of supporters, video, audio or anything that the content on your blog looks quality though did not actually benefit the visitor.

 So try to not only fill the posts with text try out because the name is definitely lazy people read the posts doang text content only.

Use images, video, audio, table, or anything to post on our blog look more valuable.
The Power of Social Media
Despite our blog which reviews the human will is not a robot, I'm sure does not mean they can accurately judge whether our blog visitors benefit or not. Definitely there are certain criteria that they use as a benchmark, one of which may be that I have explained in English Nah Social Media I believe is also taking part in this regard. Generally, if a content that visitors would benefit many who shared to social media is not it? Well, this is one of my experiments that before registering my blog to Google Adsense I try to use the content on my blog a lot to share, like, +1, or whatever.
In this case I use the services of someone so little to spend capital. But my friend can do it for free of course if you can.

 Completeness Bloging site

If there is completeness of the content above, then further troubleshooting is complete blog to our blog does not look like a random blog that purports to sign up for Google AdSense.

Page supporters like contact us

Make sure your blog has pages of supporting such contacts I, Privacy Policy, etc. I myself just make two pages are Contacts I and Privacy Policy.

       Menu Navigation

Few tips when installing navigation menu, try not to put a link that leads to a label or category page, but the link that leads directly to the post.


Some widgets that should be installed are: Popular Posts / Recent Post, Archives, Categories / Labels, Profile Google Plus.

          Age Blog

I honestly blog age problems are less sure to be one of the factors, because of previous experience I ever register a blog that has been over a year old and still rejected. But it is good laper register blogs that have been aged at least six month of age.


To the end of the problem may be a little buddy to ignore. As I mentioned at the beginning, a blog which I list only had 50 visitors / day. In addition, many bloggers whose blogs have the accepted Google AdSense without visitors.


Try to use a template or theme that is simple, clear, and neat.
Well maybe just that much just a few tips that I can give Based on my own experience that has been repeatedly denied AdSense.
Please friend can try it, but of course there is no guarantee of me. If later my friend still get rejection most important thing to do is to try again and try again cause Dan fail man never end is life keep trying, Never give up.

If google AdSense is not for you then try infolinks.
Click here apply for infolinks

Hope this article helpfull

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