“Battery life” can be defined as the required amount of time your device runs before it needs to be recharged. The Apple IPad itself is a good device that promises top notch battery performance, but with frequent charge and use, battery life invariably begins to fade.
Here we talk about the four best tips on extending the life of your iPad's aging battery.

Reduce Screen Brightness:
Officially Apple has stated that "There are two simple ways you can preserve battery life -- no matter how you use your device: adjust your screen brightness and use Wi-Fi." To reduce screen brightness of your Apple device, go to Settings > Display & Brightness to adjust the brightness.

Unless you are currently using your device in a lit environment, we advise you turn on Auto-Brightness, which adjusts the screen level based on ambient light.

Disable Location Services:
Location services is another battery hogging function of Apple devices, especially the iPad. It a little different from the past when you can just turn Location services ON or OFF. Now Apple has made the function settings better by allowing us to turn them off for Apps that don’t need it.
In other words the lesser the number of apps using the Location service the better your battery life should be.
You can also decide to turn off Location services completely as it would save more juice, but it might affect performances of some apps. But if in an emergency and need your device up for as long as possible then turn Location Services off completely until you can recharge.

Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services to adjust which apps are requesting your location.

Background App Refresh:

Most smartphones usually still run apps in the background, that is why it is possible to get an Instagram notification when the app is not open on your iPad- or other smartphones.
Background refresh is certainly convenient, but it is also a drain on battery life.

Head to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and you can turn Background App Refresh off entirely or select which apps you'd like to refresh in the background. This tweak can also be finessed when you un-jailbreak your iPad.

Temperature control:

Frequent high room temperature can affect battery life. It is recommended that you keep your iPad between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and points to the range of 62 to 72 degrees as the comfort zone.
This means your device should not be kept inside a locked vehicle in the summer or taken to the beach. Also ensure to remove all case that covers the body and might cause it to heat up, remove the case before you begin the charge. It is also an important step when improving iPhone battery power.

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