7 Awsome Ways To Monetize Your Blog and Effectively Make Money From It

We all know that there are so many ways to money from blogging, but most of them are outdated and won’t work now.

So I won’t be sharing them here, instead, I’ll give you some real ways to make money from blogging. Let’s get into it.

1. Google AdSense
Hands down, Google AdSense is still the most effective way to
monetize a blog. But it can give you decent money once your blog start
getting massive traffic.

Let’s say you are getting 1,000 visits a day, you can easily expect
200$ to 300$ a month by leveraging your blog traffic. Place your GA ads
wisely to get more clicks. After all, it’s all about more clicks = more money!

Note: If you don’t have Google Adsense account approved, then you can try Infolinks as it is a best Google Adsense alternative.

2. Banner ads
If you are not interested in placing Google AdSense ads on your blog,
showing banner ads is the finest way to make more money. Use Buy sell
ads services to post your blog details. If your blog is receiving
potential traffic, you will get many opportunities from other people to
place their ads on your sites. You can contact to some big brands in
your niche for direct advertisement. It’s one of the profitable method
to earn from blogging.

3. Product reviews
I know few people who are making $100 to $500 just by publishing 2 to 3 product reviews
a month on their blogs. Posting product reviews is the effective way to
make money from a site. If your website has loyal readership it works
like a charm. You can charge $100 to $500 per review depending on your

4. Blog services
If you are a beginner and have a passion towards selling your skills,
this is definitely for you. You can sell your writing services, logo
services, theme creation or plugin generation services on your blogs to
make money.

The good thing about this monetization model is, you don’t need huge
traffic to make more money. But you do need quality exposure from the
RIGHT people to take your services. The more clients you have the more
money you can generate each and every month.

5. Affiliate marketing
Want to make money even while you sleep? Affiliate marketing
is the right choice for you then. But you do need to have some skills
to sell others products on your sites. Remember no one likes to buy
stuff from strangers. So according to me if you have an email list of
hungry people you can make lots of money from affiliate marketing.
Patience is the real key in making more money from affiliate marketing.

  • How to make money from Shareasale Affiliate program?
  • How to Increase Affiliate Sales Without Increasing Your Traffic?
6. Sell your own products
If nothing works for you to make money online, sell your own
products. It can range from selling eBooks, information products,
plugins, themes
etc. It totally depends on your skills. Figure out where you are good
at. Are you a better writer, developer or speaker? Launch your products
after analyzing your skills to maximize your revenue.

7. Build an Email List
One of the best ways to make money online is to build an email list.

Email list is the way to go if you want to make decent income from
your blogging efforts. Money is in the list. If you are not building an
email list, you are definitely losing money on the table. Start building
an email list from day one of your blogging career.

If you are wondering how to get more email subscribers, this is for you. We will discuss the effective ways to grow your email list. Let’s dive in.

  1. Drive more traffic: No matter how good your offer
    is, you won’t get more email subscribers without driving quality traffic
    to your sites. The more traffic you have the faster you can grow your
    email list, it’s as simple as that. Use guest posts, blog comments, PPC ads etc. to drive more traffic to your blogs or landing pages.
  2. Offer a freebie: If you want to quickly build an
    email list, give away something for free. Online readers don’t sign up
    to your sites just because you are building a list. They want a reason
    to subscribe to any newsletter. So find out your target audience and
    write specific reports or eBooks for them. You can also give away
    videos, podcasts etc. The tip here is to make sure your freebie is
    something worth reading.
  3. Use a best autoresponder: I use and recommend GetResponse. If you are serious about building an email list, use services like GetResponse, AWeber, Mad Mimi etc. Because email list is a business and every business needs investment. I hope you are getting me.
  4. Use landing pages: Blog pages are a big distraction
    in general. If you want more conversions on your email lists, try using
    landing pages. Landing pages give less distraction to the users and
    they often get more conversion rates. You can use the tools like
    OptimizePress, Thrive Landing Pages etc. to build landing pages.
  5. Use effective call to actions: Don’t use the words
    like “subscribe” “get free updates” etc. on your websites. People are
    just fed up of seeing them. Use effective call to actions like “Get your
    freebie now” “download your report” etc. to easily convince your
    visitors to subscribing to your mailing lists. Be creative while
    creating call to actions.
  6. Use social media sites: Social media is the
    powerful way to get more email leads. Social media is only growing
    bigger and bigger. If you are not spending quality time on engaging with
    others on social media, you are definitely losing many people visiting
    your sites. Create Facebook fan pages, be active on twitter and get in
    touch with other people on G+ to grow your network.
  7. Pro tip to making money online: Before using any
    monetization model from above, always be sure to test every model one
    after the other. Don’t try to monetize your blog using all the methods
    that you come across online. I bet you,  you won’t make even a penny if you focus on
    every monetization method.
So what are your thoughts on monetizing a blog or website in 2016 and
beyond? What are the proven methods that helped you to make money

Please share your thoughts about this as comments


  1. This is an eye opening. Money must be made. I personally love everything being put together here. Thank for sharing

  2. Thanks For Your comments, At least, it keeps me going

  3. Thanks For Your comments, At least, it keeps me going


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