10 Best Websites To Learn Programming Language

In recent days, research have shown that so many bloggers and webmasters don't have knowledge of computer programming. They look up to some website to get simple codes for their blog/site or use inbuilt functions for web/blog designs. Before I go further, i will like you to know what this computer programming simply mean.
Computer programming can simply be defined as a process of writing a set of instruction code that tells the computer what to do and how to do it. They include Machine Language, Assembly Laguage and Low Level Language. Examples include; Pascal, BASIC, COBOL, ADAH, JAVA, FORTRAN etc. The popular ones include HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL etc. These programming language can be used for Web design, App/Software design, Game design, Animation designed etc. They can also be used in ROBOT building/PROGRAMMING (Arduino).
The next section contain ten(10) best website to learn programming language for free and the main languages taught by each.
1. codeacademy.com - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, PHP
2. freecodecamp.com - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Database, Dev tools, Node.Js and Angular.Js
3. Khanacademy.org - Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL etc
4. Dash.generalassembly - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Responsive Design
5. Thecodeplayer.com - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery
6. W3schools.com - HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL and many more
7. Codeavengers.com - HTML, CSS, Javascript and many more
8. Codeschool.com - HTML, CSS, Javascript and many more
9. Udacity.com - HTML, Python, Javas and many more
10. Codehs.com - Javascript, Games programming and many more
The sites listed above have been handpicked and carefully selected from other site as the 10 best site to learn computer programming. I assure that learning how to program will help you as a blogger(template designing), games development, software and animation development and above all ROBOT MAKING.
Royaltechng also offer ebooks for tutorials on some programming languages. For more enquiry, COMMENT below or CONTACT US


  1. With all those website above one can become a professional programmers.

  2. Without spending a kobo Samuel


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